Friday, October 5, 2007

2 Stories of HOPE and SACRIFICE

Today I shed my tears after reading 2 news, one is about Mariam Johari who has been stranded in Korea for 64 years and had finally been able to meet her 3 children, and another one the story about life-at-stake little girl Tee Hui Yee who depended hopelessly with a mechanical heart, until recently she got transplanted with a new heart from a donor, who died from an accident.

The first story really touch my heart as if I was watching a tear-jerking Korean movies/dramas. Although this news is not new compared to the latter, I just happen to read the chronology of the news from and nurture a massive interest for the whole story, inflicted by mother’s instinct shown by halmoni (grandmother in Korean) Mariam Johari. She has suffered a lot from all of the journeys of life that she has been gone through.

Any story of a hopeless girl would be likely to make me feel sad, because I always compared it with my own sister. A long wait for about one year which almost made her feel like want to give up, not until a humble and whole-heartedly family consent the donation from their boy’s organ to be transplanted.

I admire the strength of Mariam Johari, the love of her Malaysian and Korean children, the durability of Hui Yee, and the modesty of the heart-donor’s family..

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