Friday, September 28, 2007

Shop, till u sob!

Myself 2
Originally uploaded by zulkun
Why did I said that? Bcoz that will happen if I shop recklessly, bcoz I ain't have much money! So, I should 'buat reti sikit..' But then again, I do have some fondness into shopping..well, I like to see things. However that doesn't conclude that I'm materialistic, shopaholistic or what so ever. Speaking of Raya celebration, it is unusual for me to have each year buying a new Baju Melayu. And sometimes I prefer to buy only the 'baju', because it is very exceptional for me, let say in a year, to regularly wear one complete Baju Melayu with Seluar Melayu ( should it be cited like this? ;-p )

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